As promised, part II of the winter photoshoot. This time I have some more cool pictures... As in - cooled down white balance and flash gelled orange to compensate.
This is Tal, our model for today. It takes an aweful lot of confidence to be a model, it seems to me. Especially a male model. You have to look confident. Anyway, some blue 'winter atmosphere 'shots after the jump, as well as some natural color ones. Also (in case you were worried) some guest appearances by female models, and a bonus: a short break down of the editing process for one of the images from the shoot.
Organizers: Oleg Luft, Chen Rachel Smadja, and Sshimrit Israel.
Model: Tal Nissim
So we took him aside to shoot him on the backdrop of a large puddle in the parking lot. But, parking lots don't make for atractive backgrounds very often so we moved to the fence of this converter station.
Below - a guest appearance by Natty Spassova (makeup: Lemlem Mesfn).
here is a clearer picture of the aforementioned puddle:
Tal still manages to look cool, though. That's the important part. A couple more blue tinted images:
Back to the natural colors, for some dramatic electric plant shots:
This next shot was made using a flash on a tripod and a wide angle lens set as close to the ground as I could go. It was still hard to match the sky's brightness but a bit of lightroom fixed that up.
Below are a few shots with the lovely Alexandra (MUA: Rotem Shalev). You'll be seeing more of her later on...
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"You want us to do what now?" |
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"Oh, we can do that..." |
Below are some versions of an image from the same scene.
The image above was good enough for me so I nearly dismissed the next one (below). Nonetheless I took the time to edit it, and as I did I found that there is something to it.
The image was not exceptionally compelling. But it was clear that it could be improved if I changed the crop a bit. So I took it from 2:3 to 4:5, which got rid of the grass above their heads. I also tightened it around the edges as well, making their shoulders sort of frame the shot.
Already much better. I stopped to look at this and try to figure out what I liked about it to begin with. Besides the pose, which is nice (but kinda returns on the shot right before it), The way their bodies are tilted makes the image very three-dimensional. I also liked the reflection in her jacket, the details of the light on her gloves, and the texture of his coat.
I added some pinhole distortion to increase the depth of the image. I added a ton of clarity for the details, but didn't push the contrast too much (I wanted to keep plenty of shadow detail). I reduced the green and yellow channels to let the background fade out a little, and added sharpness and all that.
This I turned over to photoshop for a few touch-ups I couldn't do in lightroom. Now I am happy with the final image. I guess if an image stops you, either when shooting or when reviewing images, there must be a good reason for it. If you can figure out what it was that caught your eye, better chances you have to get it in the final image.
Thanks again to the organizers, my friends the photographers and of course, to our model for today, Tal Nissim.
one more for the road:
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