So street photography. Again. Quite a bit of architectural shots, too.
The shot on the left is city hall (I think). It was quite impressive.
I had walked north up to union square (about thirty blocks). There it was like paradise for finding interesting looking people to photograph.
But more on that below...
Take Subway to:
First thing's first: breakfast at Andy's bagels. Yum.
Then some street / architecture shots with the wide angle lens:

Here is one I am extra proud of. I was just sitting down on the floor to get a really low perspective when this family just walked through my frame. Perfect. And it didn't even seem like I was stalking them or anything. They walked into my shot. obviously I had to straighten the lines of the buildings (it's hard to get the verticals right when the camera is resting on the ground and you can't get to the eyepiece).
Then a quick stop in hipster central "Screaming Mimi's" where all the hipsters buy clothes at different level of
and here's the funny part. They also have a "costumes" corner... so cute.

A couple more street shots.
Then I had arrived at street photographer's paradise. Union Square:
What's Che doing here? Here's what I meant to put:
Obviously I switched to my telephoto here. Easy portraits all around.

Fire truck going by? Telephoto lens ready? Perfect.
And some more tourists. Just like me just with a pink Nikon.
For more images go to my facebook page...
Soon, even more pictures from the very same day.
Take Subway to:
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