Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Timna & Eilat

 I don't always take my tripod on trips with my friends, but when I do, I make sure to take some nightshots.

Going to the desert near Eilat sounded like an awesome opportunity to shoot star trails. The clear air, the cloudless weather, and there are no city lights close enough to outshine the stars. There was, unfortunately, another light source I hadn't considered... The moon was full and it was up that night, which lights up the desert like the sun when you try to take long exposures. 

The desert does have some interesting colors on a full moon night, but I can't say it was worth carrying the tripod in my pack all that time. 

Anyway, some images from the trip and from Eilat, after the jump...

Friday, March 22, 2013

Vampire Diaries

Well, actually they are fruit bats, not vampires.

I had been on the way home from work one evening when I noticed these critters flying around a tree. Some of the branches were down as low as eye level.

I went home and came back a few days later at the same hour (around 8 pm) with a light tripod with a flash on top, and my 105 lens (this is my longest lens unfortunately...)

The bats weren't so far away and I popped a few hundred images until my flash ran out of batteries.
