Saturday, July 23, 2016

Geek Chic

I think this is one of the few shoots I've done that was scheduled for a specific time of year (summer break) and enough photos were ready for posting on schedule (when school started). I was so proud of myself for that. 

It was also one of the few shoots where I had a very specific idea and a fairly general feeling for the styling and hair and makeup, and it turned out to be exactly what I wanted (thanks entirely to the awesome crew we had assembled). 

The concept is "geek chic" and the two beautiful (highly non-geek) girls we had modelling for us got into the role with ease, and the make up and hair creatives really took over where I couldn't really help: all the wardrobe and props and how to set them up to look good and not over the top - was extremely important. Always good to have a team that are creative all around (not just in their specific area). 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Living Statues 2016

Like each year, I make it a point to come to Rehovot for the summer Living Statues Festival. This would be the festival's seventh year, my fifth coming to it.

Like each year I get the usual flash from the side shots, the closeups on the performers using a longish telephoto and the wider view with the audience close by using a wide angle.

Like each year I try to do new things, try out new techniques and equipment in a situation that is one one hand very difficult, with people packed tight trying to see the performances (and it is so hot and humid this time of year!) and on the other hand this setting is great because, unlike candid street photography, you can feel free to take as many pictures as you like, try new things at length, and the results are usually interesting even if unconventional (something that doesn't always go well on fashion and model test shoots).