Sunday, January 21, 2018

Cool for the Summer

Date taken:  23rd of July, 2016
So I have this thing with doing "bonus shoots" or "mini shoots" inside of a main photoshoot. 
This is sometimes done because we have extra time before or after the main thing, or because some of the clothes or props didn't fit into the main theme but we still wanted to shoot them. 

In this case we met Aviv and Michelle for the "geek chic" photoshoot and I asked them to bring their own clothes, as far as they can find things that fit the theme. A lot of what they brought was right on point and still a lot was really beautiful but didn't fit with the theme. 

So we did a "pre-shoot" where we had the girls put on their definitely-not-geeky outfits and photographed them around the Weizmann Institute where we were setting up. 

Models: Aviv Cohen and Michelle Rabinkov | hair: Neta Hafif Shmulenson | makeup: Anet Nour

Thursday, January 11, 2018


Sometimes photoshoots go badly. Sometime you think it went perfectly but then you find that the results were not as good as you thought. Sometimes, and this is maybe the most frustrating, the client or the people you worked with are not happy with the results, even though you think they look great. 

I've been out of touch with this blog for more than a year, and in that time I've done a lot of interesting things. A lot has changed and I hope that posting in (pretty much) the real order in which the photoshoots took place will let me look back and see the progress I've made. That's why I'm going to try to catch up on 20+ posts, while I keep making plans for more shoots at the same time. 

But let's get back to this project and what we can learn from it...