Wednesday, April 17, 2013


It is spider season in Weizmann institute. All the shrubs on the side of the roads are spotted with patches of spiderwebs.

Naturally I got a tripod and a macro lens one day.

This shot of one not-so-shy spider (most of them ran away when I got this close - making me think how important working distance is for macro work) is actually a composite of two images with slightly different focus plane. At these distances it was impossible to get everything in focus without compromising sharpness.

So instead of compromising, I prefer compositing.

Below are some more shots of different spiders along the way.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Following my tradition of misleading post-names aimed at trolling any readers who aren't paying attention: here are a few images from my LAST TRIP TO AFRICA.

Well, now that this nonsense is out of the way, here are a few images that try to convey an actual safari in Africa. Well, not really. The cover to the left looks a lot more wild than the original image, with some Ramat Gan buildings removed in photoshop...

Thanks goes out to Eli Shalev which got us the 'behind the scenes' safari...