Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Macro World

Today I have another collection of images, most of them very recent. I always loved macro photography. I got a macro lens about two years ago and fell in love with it. The fun part about macro photography is that everything becomes interesting... Hopefully these picture live up to the claim.

Below are a few random object I thought would look interesting in the right light and up close...

These are some detail shots I took after photographing some sewing machines for a website.

This one was taking at my window box after the rain. Yes, I have tomatos!

I dedicate the following image to all the readers that complain there's too much text...


The image below I took in my building's elevator. The fly was being very cooperative, and I happened to have my macro lens on that day. I did what I could to take this without a tripod, and, holding the flash in one hand (and at pretty short distance since I was at f/14) and the camera in the other managed to get a few decently focused images. I then layered two images with slightly different focal plane in Photoshop and combined them to get twice the depth of field. The reflection, just to be clear: is not photoshopped, the fly is standing on the mirror...

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